Terms and Conditions
Best Choice Roofers
1. When Best Choice Roofers carries out a survey in order to provide a roof report, roof condition report or report on any part of a customer’s property, we will report on any defects we may find, but these will, most likely, not be exhaustive; other unlisted defects may not have been found and therefore not included in the report, as it will only be a snapshot of works that currently need doing. Best Choice Roofers cannot be held responsible for any defects that may not have been detected during the survey.
2. Best Choice Roofers now offers a drone service to provide pictorial or video evidence of the roof being investigated in detail. This service costs £250.00 as a one off payment
3. By accepting our estimate, the Customer accepts our terms and conditions, and that all forms of media that may have been taken of the Customer’s property from first engagement to completion of the contract, remain the property of Best Choice Roofers and may be used in our promotional, educational, or training literature. These may also be used as evidence of further changes to any contract previously established.
4. By accepting any work, quotes or contracts that have been proposed via email, the Customer accepts our terms and conditions.
5. Customer responsibilities:
• That no service supply or cables, whether telephone, electricity, television, gas, water or otherwise, are present at the time of installation. Best Choice Roofers accepts no responsibility for damage to such supplies whether visible or not, known or unknown, at the time of installation. The Customer should note that service suppliers normally only accept instructions from the owner of the premises.
• That no person shall climb onto the scaffolding unsupervised. Any unsupervised access of the scaffolding will be deemed a gross breach of contract and subject to cancellation or termination of the agreed contract and any subsequent guarantees offered by Best Choice Roofers, at the discretion of Best Choice Roofers.
• That the Customer will not approach contractors working for Best Choice Roofers to request additional work that falls outside of the scope of works described within the quotation. That any requests for additional work (during or six months after completion of the works) shall be made through Management or in writing or by email. Breaching of this clause may void any warranty issued by Best Choice Roofers, at the discretion of Best Choice Roofers.
• The Customer shall not interfere materially or methodologically with the works process. Any such interference will nullify any warranty or guarantee available to the customer, at the discretion of Best Choice Roofers.
6. If Best Choice Roofers charges to lay or install temporary covers to help prevent damage from occurring to the Customer’s property, Best Choice Roofers cannot be held responsible if any damage does occur. In these circumstances, if the Customer wants Best Choice Roofers to make good, this will be subject to a further estimate.
7. If Best Choice Roofers instals a roof covering that Best Choice Roofers guarantees for 5 years, the guarantee remains viable in the proviso that other roofers or people other than the Customer cannot touch or walk on this roof, without Best Choice Roofers’ written permission, with the exception of RICS registered surveyors. If it is found that someone else has been on the roof without permission, Best Choice Roofers may withdraw this guarantee.
If the property is sold during the period of the guarantee, the guarantee is non-transferable from one owner to another.
8. Best Choice Roofers shall not be responsible for damage to ceilings, walls, gutters or building fabric, if such items are found to be defective or damaged before commencement of, or during work, or where damage is caused by unavoidable vibration. Although Best Choice Roofers operatives will take all due care and attention to prevent damage from occurring to any area of the Customer’s property or the neighbouring property, close to where they are working, Best Choice Roofers cannot be held responsible if any damage does occur. Such damage includes that which may be caused by falling objects. If any damage does occur and the Customer wants Best Choice Roofers to make good, this will be subject to a further estimate.
9. Should any other work be required to be undertaken on the roof such as decking, fascia, timber joists etc., that was unable to be ascertained before starting the work, Best Choice Roofers will estimate the cost and gain Customer agreement and confirmation for these works to be added to the contract, before commencing any such works. Such additional works may impact, not only the estimated completion date, but also the continuance of the works within the contract, therefore Best Choice Roofers reserves the right to modify the contract should such a situation arise.
10. All materials delivered to the site by Best Choice Roofers, or on our orders, are to remain the property of Best Choice Roofers, until fixed by our operatives on our instructions, or until paid for.
11. Unless otherwise agreed in writing between Best Choice Roofers and the Customer, any materials stripped by Best Choice Roofers in re-roofing contracts shall become Best Choice Roofers’ property.
12. No responsibility for ponding of water on flat roofs will be taken following re-roofing works unless Best Choice Roofers has supplied and installed new falls. Small amounts of ponding may occur close to outlets when new falls are applied, and this is acceptable.
13. When repairs to a roof are undertaken, we cannot guarantee that we will actually stop the leak on the first or subsequent attendances, and any repairs undertaken should be looked upon as the first attempt at finding the problems, in the process of elimination. Further attempts will be charged appropriately.
14. Complete roof installations whether of slate, tile, rubber or fibreglass are guaranteed for a period of 5 years. Repairs to roofs, valleys, gulleys lead flashing and chimney repairs are guaranteed for a period of 6 months. Guarantee period begins on the date of completion of the works as defined by the date of payment on the receipt.
15. All skylights and upstands supplied and installed by Best Choice Roofers come with a 12-month guarantee.
16. Access to the roof for the purpose of inspection, maintenance or repair by our approved operatives must conform to current health and safety legislation. If further investigations, maintenance, or repairs are required in the future, subsequent to completion of our work, where access cannot be gained by ladder or other safe means, appropriate scaffolding will be required, and the customer shall bear the cost of re-scaffolding. If, upon disassembly, scaffolding has left marks on the property, Best Choice Roofers cannot be held responsible for repairs or making good. If asked to do so this may involve re-erecting scaffolding, and Best Choice Roofers reserves the right to charge labour and materials at the standard rates.
17. Best Choice Roofers will take all reasonable precautions to prevent water ingress during the execution of the contract. However, Best Choice Roofers cannot be held responsible for water ingress during the works, even if a temporary roof is installed above.
18. The Customer must advise the installer in writing of any faults arising in the works within ten days of discovery or any guarantees will be invalid. In the event of a callout where Best Choice Roofers attends and no fault in our workmanship and/or materials is found, the Customer agrees to pay Best Choice Roofers a call out charge in the sum of £180.00.
19. Contract dispute resolution must be carried out by adjudication. The Customer shall be liable for the full cost of both parties’ adjudication however incurred.
20. Best Choice Roofers reserves the right to use subcontractors for any part or all of the contract agreed by the customer.
21. No responsibility will be taken for any delay, loss or damages caused by pandemics, strikes, labour disputes, or inclement weather, changes of design or specification or any other circumstances beyond our control.
22. Cooling off period: This applies only if Best Choice Roofers solicits the Customer. The Customer has a 14 day “cooling-off” period in which to exercise the right to cancel the contract, starting from the date of receipt of the “Notice of Right to Cancel”.
23. At no time will the Customer, or any agent acting on their behalf, post negative, libellous, defamatory, or derogatory comments on social media regarding Best Choice Roofers as a company, Best Choice Roofers staff or any work carried out by Best Choice Roofers. If this condition is breached Best Choice Roofers reserves the right to take legal action against the Customer and pursue all costs.
24. Acceptance of the quotation forms a contract between the Customer and Best Choice Roofers. However, Best Choice Roofers does not get involved with Insurers as this relationship is held by the Customer alone. Best Choice Roofers gives a quotation to the Customer based on experience of the cost of materials, the number of days the job of work will require, the cost of scaffolding (if required) and any associated costs arising for the work. It does not, however, provide an itemised billing service under any circumstances as all internal costings are on a ‘per job’ basis.
25. Best Choice Roofers shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused by acts of God like fire, lightning, extreme storms, high winds, or earthquakes. Should any such event occur Best Choice Roofers reserves the right to cancel the guarantee without incurring any liability for any loss or damage thereby occasioned.
26. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects your statutory rights.